Planeta Gala

by Planeta Gala



Planeta Gala is an interactive and multi-channel TV platform, promoted by the Fundación Antonio Gala...

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Planeta Gala is an interactive and multi-channel TV platform, promoted by the Fundación Antonio Gala, which was born with the firm determination to promote interest in the world of culture in the digital environment, especially among the youngest, and with a vocation for collaboration with institutions and various social agents.With an innovative and friendly format, all the contents of Planeta Gala meet three essential requirements: be original, be close and affordable for the general public and add value to the visitor to the platform.Planeta Gala flees from the corset of a cultural space with a musty smell to become a fresh and dynamic option for anyone interested in keeping up to date with cultural and artistic news. A place where you can get information using the power and simplicity of video, explore the criticism and opinion of the cultural influencers most valued by the public, and even follow and attend both virtual and physical events.Planeta Gala is a tool that brings together and energizes the world cultural sector in Spanish, in its widest artistic and geographical sense. In this sense, the platform offers the user the possibility of getting up close to the work, the trajectory, the way of working and seeing the world of relevant creators in different artistic disciplines, from literature to sculpture, through painting, theater, music ...Naturally, the platform represents the best opportunity to pay tribute to the illustrious writer, poet and playwright Antonio Gala, showing his extensive artistic production and his most personal and endearing facet to the millions of people in the world who admire and affect him. .In the same way, Planeta Gala allows the user to live in the front row the daily events of the Foundation as a cutting-edge cultural institution and a privileged laboratory of lives and dreams, while promoting the visibility of the personal and collective evolution of the current Promotion of Residents supervised at the Foundation to develop their artistic proposals. Of course, the platform also includes the works and recognitions as artistic references of those who were residents of the Foundation in previous calls and continue to leave their personal and creative mark on it.With the support of the Fundación Antonio Gala, Planeta Gala promotes literary, pictorial, sculptural, musical, theatrical or audiovisual culture, but also, without complexes or limits, gastronomic, tourist, heritage, educational or environmental culture.Without distorting its nature or invading its creative peace, Planeta Gala makes the walls of the Corpus Christi Convent, headquarters of the Foundation, transparent, so that the world participates in the idea that gave rise to it, summarized in the verse of the "Song of the You will sing ":" Put me ut signaculum super cor tuum "," Put me like a seal on your heart ".Dont wait any longer, come in now and enjoy Planeta Gala. It is a free application available on all devices and in the main operating systems.